The principle of RWR (Radar Warning Receiver) revolves around the detection and identification of radar emissions from potential threats, such as enemy radar systems or missile guidance radars. RWRs are passive electronic sensors installed on military aircraft and naval vessels to improve situational awareness and survivability by alerting operators to the presence of radar signals.
The principle of the system is to intercept and analyze incoming radar signals to determine their type, direction and potential threat level.
An RWR operates by continuously scanning the surrounding electromagnetic spectrum for radar signals emitted by enemy radar systems. When a radar signal is detected, the RWR determines its frequency, pulse characteristics, and direction of arrival relative to the aircraft or container. This information is processed to classify the radar signal and assess whether it poses a threat.
Modern RWRs use sophisticated algorithms and databases to identify and prioritize radar threats based on their characteristics and known threat profiles.
RWRS can detect missile launches by identifying radar emissions associated with missile guidance systems. When a missile is launched and its guidance radar activates, it emits distinct radar signals that can be detected by RWRS on nearby aircraft or ships.
The RWR alerts the crew to the presence of these emissions, indicating the launch of a missile and allowing them to take evasive action or deploy countermeasures to defend against the incoming threat.
CW (continuous wave) in the context of RWR refers to a type of radar signal modulation used by some radar systems. CW radars emit a continuous waveform without pulses, which makes them distinct from pulsed radars. RWRs are designed to detect and analyze CW signals emitted by radars, which may include surveillance radars, tracking radars, or missile guidance radars.
Detection of CW signals by RWRS allows operators to identify the presence and type of radar system emitting the signal, contributing to threat assessment and response strategies