Radar data output consists of various types of information about detected objects or targets, including their range (distance from the radar), azimuth (horizontal angle), elevation (vertical angle), speed (speed and direction of movement), and sometimes additional characteristics such as size or shape. This data is processed and displayed in real time to provide situational awareness and assist with navigation, surveillance or targeting applications.
Radar output typically includes position (range, azimuth, elevation) and velocity of detected targets.
It also provides information on signal resistance or amplitude, which can help determine target size and reflectivity. The radar system can also produce processed images or plots, such as radar displays or maps, showing the location and movement of targets in a visual format.
The output power of a radar refers to the amount of electromagnetic energy transmitted by the radar system into the environment. It is usually measured in watts (w) or kilowatts (kW).
Output power is a critical factor in determining the radar’s detection range and capabilities, with higher output power allowing the radar to detect objects at greater distances or with higher resolution.
Radar produces electromagnetic pulses or continuous waves that travel through the air and reflect off objects. When these signals bounce back to the radar receiver, they are analyzed to determine the position, movement and characteristics of the targets.
The radar system processes this information to produce data that can be used for tracking, navigation, weather monitoring or military applications.
Radar displays work by visually representing processed radar data on a screen or monitor. The display typically shows a map or grid with targets indicated as blips or symbols at their detected positions. Modern radar displays can provide additional information such as target identification, speed and trajectory.
The display interface allows operators to monitor the environment, track moving objects and make informed decisions based on real-time data provided by the radar system