Retrodirectional “refers to a property or capability of an antenna system or array to automatically detect the direction from which a signal is received and retransmits the signal in that same direction. This capability allows retrodirectional antennas to act as a mirror for radio waves, reflecting incoming signals back to their source without needing to know the exact location or direction of the transmitter in advance Improving signal reception or allowing two-way communication.
with moving or dynamic targets.
“Retrodictive” refers to a method or process of predicting or making inferences about past events or states based on current or known information. Unlike predictive methods, which predict future outcomes based on historical data or patterns, retrodictive approaches aim to reconstruct or infer past conditions, events, or causes using available evidence or observations.
Retrodictive techniques are often used in fields such as history, archeology, and forensic science, where researchers analyze existing data to understand past events or phenomena that have already occurred.
The term “unrealized” generally refers to a state or characteristic of something that does not have a specific direction or orientation. In the context of antennas or electromagnetic radiation, an undirected antenna radiates energy equally in all directions, without concentrating or concentrating the signal in any particular direction.
Undirected antennas, also known as omnidirectional antennas, have a radiation pattern that is symmetrically spherical or cylindrical, propagating signals uniformly in all azimuthal directions. They are commonly used in applications where wide-area coverage or communication with multiple directions is required, such as in broadcast radio, mobile communications networks, and marine and aeronautical navigation systems